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support for legal abortionの例文


  • Democrats, meanwhile, strongly backed their party's support for legal abortion.
  • Sheldon condemned Lieberman's support for legal abortions, gay rights and social spending.
  • Despite the decline in the number of procedures, support for legal abortion remains high.
  • The support for legal abortion in cases when it is currently banned is much lower.
  • Most notably, the sentence prompted Health Minister Gin閟 Gonz醠ez Garc韆 to state his support for legal abortion for rape victims.
  • Wilson also said his support for legal abortions makes him the most electable Republican, despite the GOP platform's call for a ban on abortions.
  • Kerry, a Catholic whose support for legal abortion clashes with the church, narrowly won the Catholic vote, 50 percent to 49 percent, exit polls found.
  • Tobin also became embroiled in a public dispute with Rhode Island Congressman Patrick J . Kennedy over the Congressman's support for legal abortion during the Health Care debate.
  • It is from that belief that Campbell says he draws his support for legal abortions, as well as his opposition to a personal income tax ( which he says should be replaced by a national sales tax ).
  • During the 1980s, the group was heavily involved in women's struggles, playing an important role in mobilizing support for legal abortion in Canada, largely as a participant in the broader Ontario Coalition for Abortion Clinics.
  • In March 2009, he described the choice of President Barack Obama to be the commencement speaker for the University of Notre Dame's graduation ceremony as " very disappointing, " given Obama's support for legal abortion.
  • Almost half of those polled said it was too easy to get an abortion these days . Public support for legal abortion plummets from 61 percent if it is performed in the first three months of a woman's pregnancy to only 15 percent in the second three months.
  • While once candidates wanted the whole subject to simply go away, in 1994 it was a linchpin of both gubernatorial and congressional campaigns, for those who had previously soft-pedaled the incendiary issue-- and those who had once shown little or no support for legal abortion at all.
  • Other Republican women might include : New Jersey Gov . Christine Todd Whitman and Maine Sen . Olympia Snowe, whose support for legal abortions have made them popular among moderates but anathema to conservatives; and Arizona Gov . Jane Dee Hull, who backed Bush over her own senator, John McCain.
  • The erosion of support for legal abortion coincides almost exactly with a repositioning in the early 1990s of antiabortion-rights forces away from an all-out assault on Roe, which had failed, to more calculated attacks on certain abortion methods and on the point in pregnancy when the procedure takes place.
  • Surveys conducted by a number of polling organizations indicate that between 16 % and 22 % of American Catholic voters agree with Church policy that abortion should be illegal in all cases; the rest of the respondents held positions ranging from support for legal abortions in certain restricted circumstances to an unqualified acceptance of abortion in all cases.